„A strategy is only as good as the underlying analysis that preceded it.“ Lia Lenzing has this insight from many years of project management at a bank as Head of Market Analysis.

Lia studied mathematics (diploma) and computer science (pre-diploma). This was followed by a year abroad during which she studied business administration in the Netherlands. Thus she has especially strategic thinking in her personal toolbox, which she likes to use to find solutions to optimize organizations or personal lifestyles.
After her studies, she first worked for a few years in the international project management of a Dutch logistics company. After that she trained as a controller. Afterwards she started to build up the market analysis department for one of the larger savings banks, leading up to its management. In this function she also spoke as a speaker at professional conferences on the subject of micromarketing, database mining, analytic CRM (customer relationship management) and customer segmentation. She was involved in many internal bank projects, for which she analyzed the actual situation and pre-calculated the consequences of the various solution approaches, so that well-founded management decisions could be made.
Lia Lenzing and Christian Grunow are parents of two children. During her parental leave, Lia taught mathematics at a private high school. Subsequently, she worked for a marketing agency. So she has experience in reinventing herself.
Lia has lived in Germany, the Netherlands, USA, Spain and Paraguay. Such an emigration is a significant change for one personally. When deciding on the right place to emigrate, it is important to consider the local conditions beforehand when analyzing which country, which place is suitable.
She has written a book about all the things to consider when emigrating and what strategies are helpful in this phase. She is also very happy to impart these to potential emigrants in counseling sessions.
„In a new country you first have to find the beginning of the ball of wool, the steps after that are much easier!“